Your name will fly framing the Moon!


Every person in the world wants to step on the moon. However, it is relatively impossible for the general public in the world nowadays. However, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] had offered an opportunity to the general public to cast their name in a database which will orbit the moon during an uncrewed Orion spacecraft mission called Artemis I.


ATREMIS I Boarding Pass


Surprisingly, 3,391,107 boarding passes have been claimed. NASA had downloaded the database of names of enthusiasts who claimed their boarding passes in the flash drive and aboard it in the Orion spacecraft that will fly around the moon during the mission.


NASA Space Mission ARTEMIS I

Credit NASA - ARTEMIS I Mission

The Artemis I will be NASA's initial integrated flight test, enabling humans to explore deep space. For this mission, the Orion spacecraft with a Space Launch System (SLS) rocket will launch from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. It is an uncrewed mission, but it will be a milestone for human deep space exploration.

NASA Space Mission ARTEMIS I Route Plan

Credit NASA - ARTEMIS I Mission

NASA has flagged three dates for Artemis I launch,  August 29, 2022, September 2, 2022, and September 5, 2022. NASA shared a plan on their website for enthusiasts to get updated about the complete phases of the mission. After the mission, the crew module (that carries the flash drive of the database) will return to earth and land in the Pacific Ocean. During the whole mission, spacecraft travel thousands of miles flying around the moon and beyond, and it will take three weeks from launch to land back.

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